Monday, August 8, 2011

A Day in Delhi

My day today started early... 2:30am to be exact.  We got ready and left for the airport by 3 for our 6:55 flight to Delhi.  When we got there around 10, we were met by our tour guide Raj.  We drove around Delhi, passing the foreign embassies and the Royal Palace (similar in function to the White House, only it has 316 rooms).
This is the best picture I could get of it from the bus.

We finally made it to Old Delhi (Delhi is huge), and took bicycle rickshaws through it's streets.  If you have a couple extra minutes, here are two 2-minute videos while we were in the rickshaw.  I was too tall for the rain covering, so it was a little uncomfortable, but something that was totally worth it.

One of the places they took us was a Jain temple.  Apparently Jain is even older than Buddhism.  The outside wan't that impressive, but the inside had lots of intricately detailed statues and paintings, even though it was over 1000 years old.  They also took us to the spice market.  It was really pretty cool.  Sometimes the scent was overpowering and caused people to sneeze.
The spice market seemed to mostly be contained in this square, although it did go up the full 4 levels.

At this point, I think we headed off on our bus ride to Agra where the Taj Mahal is located.  It was about a 6 1/2 or 7 hour bus ride, so we got there about 11:30 at night.  It had been a long day of traveling, so sleep followed shortly thereafter.  I will note that we stayed at the Radisson, and it was an amazing hotel.  That's the first real shower I've had in two weeks.

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